Changing Gases Changing Lives

Like many Australians, Coregas has watched the developing COVID-19 situation in India with great concern, and we have been working hard to determine what we can do to help.

When Tata Steel, working on behalf of the Indian Government, reached out to us last Friday we immediately made this our highest priority. Working with Tata Steel, the Indian Consulate in Perth and SSB, we quickly came to the conclusion that one of the best ways we could contribute would be to help get ISO containers for transporting medical oxygen out of Australia and into India.

Plans were locked in at 2am EST on Tuesday the 4th of May when we learned that an Indian Airforce C17 transport plane would touch down in Perth at 7am local time on Wednesday the 5th of May.

Changing Gases Changing Lives

Coregas did what we do best and immediately mobilised our people in Perth and managed to secure, prepare, and deliver four ISO containers to Perth International Airport in time to load the aircraft. The operation was a great success, and the C17 took off at 4:30pm local time yesterday carrying four ISO containers.

When placed into medical oxygen service, the four ISOs that Coregas helped deliver to India will be able to carry 80 tonnes of liquid medical oxygen. That is enough medical oxygen to support 100 patients for a month each time these ISOs are filled. Coregas is proud to be Australian-owned and play our part in Australia’s efforts to help India deal with its COVID-19 pandemic.

India will be able to carry 80 tonnes of liquid medical oxygen