Dear Customers,
Re: Covid-19 Essential Services: Essential Services Status confirmed.
Coregas can now confirm through notification from MBIE Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment that we have received Essential Services Status.
We would like to take this time to thank you for your patience while we worked through this process and to say we are here to support those businesses as best we can that are providing essential services to critical industries while in lockdown.
As a supplier to the medical sector and supplier to laboratories testing the safety of food and dairy products and other industries we are currently operating at a level that is designed to supply these essential service providers. This reduced manning level and limited scope is designed to allow us to service our essential service clients whilst minimising the exposure of our operational team to the effects of the Covid 19 virus.
As a result of this reduced operational level we can, at this time, only support business partners who can demonstrate a direct link to either a designated first tier or second tier essential services supplier. This must be received before a non-contact delivery can be made.
Failure to comply with these strict guidelines could result in us losing our essential service accreditation.
I would also ask that you give as much notice of your requirements as possible. This will enable us to ensure continuity of supply to you and other essential service providers.
We understand that this may come as an inconvenience, please bear in mind that we are following all instructions outlined by the New Zealand government. We will endeavour to get back to full operations and service levels as soon as we can.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Coregas on 0508 267 342.
We are confident that in time the pandemic will pass, and we will get back to business as usual.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Neate | General Manager