Coregas celebrates International Women's Day

Women hold up half the sky

It can be risky for an aging male to write about women but I believe International Women’s Day is an important opportunity to reflect and recognise the important contribution made by the women at Coregas.

Last year I did a short presentation at my daughters all-girl school to profile the different careers of women in STEAM (science, technology, arts & maths). In delivering this presentation, I was proud to share the diversity of women that work in Coregas and the breadth of critical roles in our organisation that they hold.

We have a small but increasing number of women in hands-on operational roles, including cylinder filling, testing & driving. I am convinced that continuing to improve our gender balance will enable us to be more creative and successful in our mission to ‘change gases, change lives’. IWD aims to celebrate female achievement and I can think of many Coregas examples where women have made a significant contribution to the success of our business. I say thank you, as it is very much a case of #BalanceforBetter.

In Richard Glover’s book ‘Land Before Avocado’ he describes a view that great progress has been made in society and perhaps especially for women. (His one exception to progress was with social media.) It’s tough for me to judge our success but I hope that Coregas can contribute to further progress and provide interesting careers and opportunities to more women.

Please join us in celebrating IWD & remember to thank the women in your life.

- Alan Watkins