P5 Gas Mixture | Electron Capture Detectors | Coregas NZ

P5 gas mix

A non-flammable gas mixture of argon and methane that is often used as a make up gas in electron capture detectors (ECDs)

Ar / CH4

P5 gas is used extensively in the laboratory


  • Make up gas in electron capture detectors (ECDs)
Product Summary

Gas composition

  • Argon balance
  • Methane 5% ± 0.3%


Moisture ≤ 25 ppm

Compressed gas sizes

UN number: 1954

Download safety data sheet


Size Product code Volume Weight (full)* Pressure Outlet connection Availability Cert. of conformance
G 267150 10 m³ 20,000 kPa Type 20 New Zealand wide Download
Additional Details

Physical & chemical properties

Appearance Odour Flammability
AppearanceColourless gas OdourOdourless FlammabilityFlammable

Hazard class


Hazard symbol (GHS)

  • Flammable Gas 2.1